Thursday 8 May 2008

The conclusion!

Linking back to my intro, the mission of finding the 'perfect man' has conjured up some similarities between the stereotypes and how they treat women, and some untrue stereotypical judgements...

I'll give you a summery of my wacky week:

  1. My first date, the 'Geezer' was probably my favourite. The dress sense was probably the only thing that fit him into the stereotypical 'geezer'. Everything else came as a shock, I didn't expect him to be such a laugh and respectable. I'd definitely recommend this type of guy. 9/10

  2. Second date, The pretty boy. I think we can safely say I wasted an hour of my life. He was arrogant, pompous and self indulged 100%. Would not recommend. He totally fit the bill of a stereotypical 'pretty boy. twat. 1/10 (just because he didn't smell)

  3. The chav. Unexpected, fun, bought the drinks and not arrogant or aggressive in the slightest. Seemed quite honourable towards women, definitely knows how to treat a girl. His image fit the bill, but his personality was way off the stereotyped 'nasty thug'. 6/10 (I didn't like the outfit!)

  4. Geek. He was sweet, definitely fit the stereotype. I think this type of guy is hugely under judged and I think us girls should think twice before laying someone off because of their appearance, especially when it comes to 'geeks'. 6/10

  5. The Funny guy. Up there in my top three guys, definitely. I also think we miss-judge this type of guy, no matter how cute they are, we don't read between the lines enough and never know when they are being serious. Hopefully they know it too so they can bag a bird (they deserve it!) He did fit the stereotype, but I didn't expect him to have an emotional side at all! 8/10

  6. The city boy. Hated every second. I cant speak for them all, but I can say, if you just want sex in a nice hotel and three course meal go for it. They WILL sleep with you. I also established they have competitions with their mates like small children. Don't do it. Another twat, up there with the pretty boy. 2/10

  7. The skater boy. This was a weird date, I didn't really know what to expect. He was nice and I can definitely see the attraction for someone that is interested in the same thing. He did fit the stereotype, but I didn't think he would be as shy as he was. Quite the romantic really. 6/10

  8. EMO. Well it wasn't a date, but these guys are generally good looking, and any girl that finds 25 inch waists attractive on a guy then go for it. I however, don't. They seem to just be sadder than normal teenage guys, but still just want to get laid. 6/10 for anyone that cares.

  9. The heavy metal guy. Very unexpected. I didn't think he would even want to talk to me, but it turned out fine and I realised that there is definitely a heart under all them chains somewhere, you just have to be the right girl to find it...if you want to that is! very funny guy and can hold a conversation. 7/1o

  10. Last, but definitely not least. The indie kid. I think I fell in love at first sight. It may have been the outfit, or the fact hes in a band, but now i can understand why he had slept with so many women! This boy can charm and knew how to use it. He was fun to be with and interesting to talk to. He reminded me a bit of the pretty boy, but he wasn't as ignorant. I would recommend...but only for a fling. 8/10

So basically, over the past week I have realised that no matter what dress sense guys have, they all have a good idea how to treat a lady, they all paid, or would have paid if they could.

Their fashion did reflect their lifestyles allot, like they had to act a certain way because that's what category they have chosen to be in, but then some of them didn't act like their stereotype, they just looked it. So its the old 'Don't judge a book' saying.

Also the age I think was a large factor. All young lads want to get laid. Fact. SO that's probably why my 'geezer' didn't really show much interest in the subject, as he was 29 and a bit more mature.

They all attracted girls which were interested in their stereotype, it made me think doesn't this limit the girls they date? for example, My city boy only sleeping with ladies 'from the office' and the pretty boy always 'pulling at clubs' etc. It made me realise that guys also need to look beyond the stereotype as well, and read between the lines a little bit...

Basically girls, what I'm saying is, Just because someone dresses differently to you doesn't mean they are weird or going to suck your blood. They wont. So next time you want to get with a guy but worried what you're friends might say because he dresses differently to you..who cares! Go for it.

Encounter with the Indie Boy....

So for my final date, I met up with a self confessed 'wannabe famous' indie kid. He loves his title I'll tell you that!

He was casually dressed in dark skinny jeans and a green fitted t-shirt with crazy but well groomed hair, and wore black glasses which seemed to finish off his stylish attire.

An extremely good looking guy who obviously spent more time grooming himself than any girl you'll ever meet, no wonder he wanted to meet up in the evening...

He said he'd take me to a local but stylish bar/club where him and his band sometimes play. He said I can look him up on 'myspace'. As a singer, I didn't expect any less than what I got. Although he was nice, he was obviously a bit of ladies man. Or a sleaze. Either way!

He said he cant have a permanent girlfriend because when he tours with his band supporting other unsigned artists its hard to keep in touch, and apparently 'they get sick of me never calling them' really?!?

He did seem a bit pompous and liked to brag about his bands success, which I thought was fair enough, I'll give him that.

I didn't mind him telling me about the band because I was actually interested in it, what I was also interested in was the amount of people he had slept with. This guy is 22 and hes claimed to have slept with nearly 40 women in the last three years. WHAT? I know hes good looking, I thought, but how do you even manage that?!

He said 'I swear I'm not a sleazy guy, but when you've done a gig, you're buzzing, you party and you have sex with a random-er...its just my way of life I suppose!'

Despite this blasé attitude towards sex, He seemed to be respectful and actually knew how to have a conversation...and it was interesting conversation. He wasn't the least bit shy and always asked questions. I had fun, he bought the drinks( I did offer I promise) and the time flew quickly, which is a good sign you're having fun!

In three words he described himself 'fun fun fun!'

He did have the vain-ness of a pretty boy, but not the attitude. Definitely a winner for the indie guy. And in all fairness...he was just seeping with damn straight coolness.

The Heavy metal date...

Brilliant. Better than I expected. He was not only hilariously funny, he didn't at all want to cut himself and drink his own blood.

To be fair, he wasn't the stereotypical goth, he was more a heavy metal rocker, much more into sniffing glue and injecting himself with chemicals than killing small animals.

He works in a cool bar which I always go to when I'm back home, He is 25, massive build, and always wears big baggy t-shirts and black jeans. He has a long beard which he either plaits or turns into dread locks. He used to have to little horns made from his beard, but his girlfriend said they got in the way.

He was quite a romantic. He spends as much time as he can with his girlfriend and 'loves her more than anything...including Shepard's pie' apparently.

For a first date he said he would take them to a heavy metal night in a loud club to see 'how they got on.' And if either of them wanted to talk they could go outside... Sounds good to me.

He said he doesn't pay for anything on a date as most of the girls he knows takes offence to it, apparently heavy metal girls or goths 'are very independent' and 'into bondage' the two go together quite well. He said 'you know when shes a control freak when she dresses like a dominatrix and tries to make you do things from a horror film'.

He told me 'I find goth girls attractive, I don't look at any other type of girl. I think that's just my choice though, my mates aren't always the same.'

In three words he described himself as 'full of beans'. Nice.

In my opinion, I would definitely look at this type of guy differently, I had a good laugh and there was absolutely no arrogance or pompous behaviour. Score!

The indie...

The famous 'indie kid' has slowly crept back over the years. The fashionable vintage style and 'cool' hair is now just as popular as sex. Stereotypically the indie boy is usually in a band (which is plastered on 'myspace') and listens to other 'unknown' or unsigned bands. Nothing that fills the top 40 basically.

Many of them take pride in their appearance, but does this mean they are vain? Or just a bit girly?
Its hard not to meet an indie boy wherever you go, they literally fill the streets so its not hard to say that their pride in their appearance reflects greatly on the 'pretty boy' image, but do their personalities?

The heavy metal kid...

The 'heavy metal kid' or 'goth' as some define it, are stereotypically a bit weird. Apparently.

They listen to one sort of music and hate everyone else for what they listen to.

Usually dressed in black with a variety of chains hanging off them sometimes attached to body piercings. Nice. Generally they are not nasty or arrogant people.

You wouldn't catch a heavy metal kid dating a trendy, or an emo. Its like a cat and dog having a relationship. Just doesn't work.

Some stereotype this genre of person as 'Marylin Manson' who supposedly eats puppies and cuts himself to drink his own blood. Are they really like this?

Hopefully not as I'm off on a date with one..

The Emo Date..

OK, so this one was a bit of wasn't a real date. It was more of an interview with this emo guy I know.

He wears the tittest skinny jeans I have ever seen, always in a black hoodie, has his lip pierced and has the blackest and straightest doesn't even move... Like hes not actually real or something.

Anyway, he is very shy and its hard to get two words out of him at the best of times, but I got him to talk about girlfriends...eventually. This was after I agreed he could use my living room to do some devil worshiping shite. Ha, not really.

He said for a first date, he'd take a girl to a gig probably, or just go for a drink so he could get to know them. He said he'd had some bad experiences with girls so he likes taking his time with them. He used to buy his ex girlfriend flowers all the time, and didn't enjoy me asking 'did they have to be dead first...that's what your in to right?' I need to stop taking the piss.

He would never demand sex from a girl, they can have as much time as they want, but if they wanted it on the first date and they were 'fit' he wouldn't say no. This is like any guy though really?! No matter what anyone says if someone want to give you £100, you don't turn it down just because you don't know them do you? Maybe its just my look on things, but this is the general stereotype of men!

To sum himself up in three words he just shrugged. It took him a while but he said 'whatever you think'. Classic emo banter right there.

Wednesday 7 May 2008


Why the long face? Oh right your an emo. Fair enough.

I still cant work this stereotype out, why are you so fucking sad? Maybe if you pulled that hair out of your face it might make you feel a bit better.

I'm joking, it'll pass. Hopefully.

Anyway, they wear skinny skinny jeans, always have black hair, eye liner and never smile. Like its impossible or something? Allot of them have a variety of piercings...usually through the nose or lip.
They listen to a particular type of music, and this is in fact where the 'emo' look has risen from.

From experience, at a gig they usually swarm the area in the millions. It looks like a scene out of dawn of the dead. All dressed the same, no one smiling. Normally setting things on fire or being 'sad' for no reason.

Why am I going on date with one? To find out what is so attractive about this kind of guy...