Thursday 8 May 2008

The Heavy metal date...

Brilliant. Better than I expected. He was not only hilariously funny, he didn't at all want to cut himself and drink his own blood.

To be fair, he wasn't the stereotypical goth, he was more a heavy metal rocker, much more into sniffing glue and injecting himself with chemicals than killing small animals.

He works in a cool bar which I always go to when I'm back home, He is 25, massive build, and always wears big baggy t-shirts and black jeans. He has a long beard which he either plaits or turns into dread locks. He used to have to little horns made from his beard, but his girlfriend said they got in the way.

He was quite a romantic. He spends as much time as he can with his girlfriend and 'loves her more than anything...including Shepard's pie' apparently.

For a first date he said he would take them to a heavy metal night in a loud club to see 'how they got on.' And if either of them wanted to talk they could go outside... Sounds good to me.

He said he doesn't pay for anything on a date as most of the girls he knows takes offence to it, apparently heavy metal girls or goths 'are very independent' and 'into bondage' the two go together quite well. He said 'you know when shes a control freak when she dresses like a dominatrix and tries to make you do things from a horror film'.

He told me 'I find goth girls attractive, I don't look at any other type of girl. I think that's just my choice though, my mates aren't always the same.'

In three words he described himself as 'full of beans'. Nice.

In my opinion, I would definitely look at this type of guy differently, I had a good laugh and there was absolutely no arrogance or pompous behaviour. Score!

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