Saturday 3 May 2008

The 'Pretty boy'

The well known of the bunch in our society has to be...the 'Pretty boy'. They are trendy, follow all the lastest fashion from Topman (like its an actual religion) and have a large number of 'mates' who look like clones of one another. This is just my stereotype of a 'Pretty boy' from past experience.

They normally all listen to a particular type of music, despite trying to pretend they are 'indie' or 'emo' or whatever fills the lines of the local Topman store.

They're not recognised to be rude or a problem within society, but do they do tend to be rowdy as a group, which is normally when their out on a night (which i suppose can be said for any group)...they also tend to go for a certain type of girl. This is generally decided on what their mates agree on (As if they have a monthly 'trend boy' meeting.)

Anyway...only one way to find out if their shallow 'stereotype' is myth or damn right going to 'lunch' with one...

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