The 'Chav' is varied in our society. You can wear Nike and be classed as 'chavvy' or have a 'Louis vuittoon' handbag and be a 'labelled chav'. But what makes you an top scale 'chav'?
Automatically, 'Burberry' caps, thick gold jewelery, and tracksuit bottoms are visually recognised as being 'chavvy'. But does this make them bad people?
The stereotype male 'chav' usually lives on a council estate, fathers a number of children with a number of women, and lives on 'the doll'. The best selling show Shameless have got it down to every last detail. This show illustrates the stereotypical life of a 'chav'. Brilliant.
This website lets you find out how 'Chavvy' you really are. Brilliant. Because we all have a bit of chav in us somewhere...whether its a favoured pair of tracksuit bottoms...Or some big old bling. Its definitely there.
On my next date, I'm going to find out how close the truth the stereotype really is when it comes to a date.
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