Thursday, 8 May 2008

The conclusion!

Linking back to my intro, the mission of finding the 'perfect man' has conjured up some similarities between the stereotypes and how they treat women, and some untrue stereotypical judgements...

I'll give you a summery of my wacky week:

  1. My first date, the 'Geezer' was probably my favourite. The dress sense was probably the only thing that fit him into the stereotypical 'geezer'. Everything else came as a shock, I didn't expect him to be such a laugh and respectable. I'd definitely recommend this type of guy. 9/10

  2. Second date, The pretty boy. I think we can safely say I wasted an hour of my life. He was arrogant, pompous and self indulged 100%. Would not recommend. He totally fit the bill of a stereotypical 'pretty boy. twat. 1/10 (just because he didn't smell)

  3. The chav. Unexpected, fun, bought the drinks and not arrogant or aggressive in the slightest. Seemed quite honourable towards women, definitely knows how to treat a girl. His image fit the bill, but his personality was way off the stereotyped 'nasty thug'. 6/10 (I didn't like the outfit!)

  4. Geek. He was sweet, definitely fit the stereotype. I think this type of guy is hugely under judged and I think us girls should think twice before laying someone off because of their appearance, especially when it comes to 'geeks'. 6/10

  5. The Funny guy. Up there in my top three guys, definitely. I also think we miss-judge this type of guy, no matter how cute they are, we don't read between the lines enough and never know when they are being serious. Hopefully they know it too so they can bag a bird (they deserve it!) He did fit the stereotype, but I didn't expect him to have an emotional side at all! 8/10

  6. The city boy. Hated every second. I cant speak for them all, but I can say, if you just want sex in a nice hotel and three course meal go for it. They WILL sleep with you. I also established they have competitions with their mates like small children. Don't do it. Another twat, up there with the pretty boy. 2/10

  7. The skater boy. This was a weird date, I didn't really know what to expect. He was nice and I can definitely see the attraction for someone that is interested in the same thing. He did fit the stereotype, but I didn't think he would be as shy as he was. Quite the romantic really. 6/10

  8. EMO. Well it wasn't a date, but these guys are generally good looking, and any girl that finds 25 inch waists attractive on a guy then go for it. I however, don't. They seem to just be sadder than normal teenage guys, but still just want to get laid. 6/10 for anyone that cares.

  9. The heavy metal guy. Very unexpected. I didn't think he would even want to talk to me, but it turned out fine and I realised that there is definitely a heart under all them chains somewhere, you just have to be the right girl to find it...if you want to that is! very funny guy and can hold a conversation. 7/1o

  10. Last, but definitely not least. The indie kid. I think I fell in love at first sight. It may have been the outfit, or the fact hes in a band, but now i can understand why he had slept with so many women! This boy can charm and knew how to use it. He was fun to be with and interesting to talk to. He reminded me a bit of the pretty boy, but he wasn't as ignorant. I would recommend...but only for a fling. 8/10

So basically, over the past week I have realised that no matter what dress sense guys have, they all have a good idea how to treat a lady, they all paid, or would have paid if they could.

Their fashion did reflect their lifestyles allot, like they had to act a certain way because that's what category they have chosen to be in, but then some of them didn't act like their stereotype, they just looked it. So its the old 'Don't judge a book' saying.

Also the age I think was a large factor. All young lads want to get laid. Fact. SO that's probably why my 'geezer' didn't really show much interest in the subject, as he was 29 and a bit more mature.

They all attracted girls which were interested in their stereotype, it made me think doesn't this limit the girls they date? for example, My city boy only sleeping with ladies 'from the office' and the pretty boy always 'pulling at clubs' etc. It made me realise that guys also need to look beyond the stereotype as well, and read between the lines a little bit...

Basically girls, what I'm saying is, Just because someone dresses differently to you doesn't mean they are weird or going to suck your blood. They wont. So next time you want to get with a guy but worried what you're friends might say because he dresses differently to you..who cares! Go for it.

Encounter with the Indie Boy....

So for my final date, I met up with a self confessed 'wannabe famous' indie kid. He loves his title I'll tell you that!

He was casually dressed in dark skinny jeans and a green fitted t-shirt with crazy but well groomed hair, and wore black glasses which seemed to finish off his stylish attire.

An extremely good looking guy who obviously spent more time grooming himself than any girl you'll ever meet, no wonder he wanted to meet up in the evening...

He said he'd take me to a local but stylish bar/club where him and his band sometimes play. He said I can look him up on 'myspace'. As a singer, I didn't expect any less than what I got. Although he was nice, he was obviously a bit of ladies man. Or a sleaze. Either way!

He said he cant have a permanent girlfriend because when he tours with his band supporting other unsigned artists its hard to keep in touch, and apparently 'they get sick of me never calling them' really?!?

He did seem a bit pompous and liked to brag about his bands success, which I thought was fair enough, I'll give him that.

I didn't mind him telling me about the band because I was actually interested in it, what I was also interested in was the amount of people he had slept with. This guy is 22 and hes claimed to have slept with nearly 40 women in the last three years. WHAT? I know hes good looking, I thought, but how do you even manage that?!

He said 'I swear I'm not a sleazy guy, but when you've done a gig, you're buzzing, you party and you have sex with a random-er...its just my way of life I suppose!'

Despite this blasé attitude towards sex, He seemed to be respectful and actually knew how to have a conversation...and it was interesting conversation. He wasn't the least bit shy and always asked questions. I had fun, he bought the drinks( I did offer I promise) and the time flew quickly, which is a good sign you're having fun!

In three words he described himself 'fun fun fun!'

He did have the vain-ness of a pretty boy, but not the attitude. Definitely a winner for the indie guy. And in all fairness...he was just seeping with damn straight coolness.

The Heavy metal date...

Brilliant. Better than I expected. He was not only hilariously funny, he didn't at all want to cut himself and drink his own blood.

To be fair, he wasn't the stereotypical goth, he was more a heavy metal rocker, much more into sniffing glue and injecting himself with chemicals than killing small animals.

He works in a cool bar which I always go to when I'm back home, He is 25, massive build, and always wears big baggy t-shirts and black jeans. He has a long beard which he either plaits or turns into dread locks. He used to have to little horns made from his beard, but his girlfriend said they got in the way.

He was quite a romantic. He spends as much time as he can with his girlfriend and 'loves her more than anything...including Shepard's pie' apparently.

For a first date he said he would take them to a heavy metal night in a loud club to see 'how they got on.' And if either of them wanted to talk they could go outside... Sounds good to me.

He said he doesn't pay for anything on a date as most of the girls he knows takes offence to it, apparently heavy metal girls or goths 'are very independent' and 'into bondage' the two go together quite well. He said 'you know when shes a control freak when she dresses like a dominatrix and tries to make you do things from a horror film'.

He told me 'I find goth girls attractive, I don't look at any other type of girl. I think that's just my choice though, my mates aren't always the same.'

In three words he described himself as 'full of beans'. Nice.

In my opinion, I would definitely look at this type of guy differently, I had a good laugh and there was absolutely no arrogance or pompous behaviour. Score!

The indie...

The famous 'indie kid' has slowly crept back over the years. The fashionable vintage style and 'cool' hair is now just as popular as sex. Stereotypically the indie boy is usually in a band (which is plastered on 'myspace') and listens to other 'unknown' or unsigned bands. Nothing that fills the top 40 basically.

Many of them take pride in their appearance, but does this mean they are vain? Or just a bit girly?
Its hard not to meet an indie boy wherever you go, they literally fill the streets so its not hard to say that their pride in their appearance reflects greatly on the 'pretty boy' image, but do their personalities?

The heavy metal kid...

The 'heavy metal kid' or 'goth' as some define it, are stereotypically a bit weird. Apparently.

They listen to one sort of music and hate everyone else for what they listen to.

Usually dressed in black with a variety of chains hanging off them sometimes attached to body piercings. Nice. Generally they are not nasty or arrogant people.

You wouldn't catch a heavy metal kid dating a trendy, or an emo. Its like a cat and dog having a relationship. Just doesn't work.

Some stereotype this genre of person as 'Marylin Manson' who supposedly eats puppies and cuts himself to drink his own blood. Are they really like this?

Hopefully not as I'm off on a date with one..

The Emo Date..

OK, so this one was a bit of wasn't a real date. It was more of an interview with this emo guy I know.

He wears the tittest skinny jeans I have ever seen, always in a black hoodie, has his lip pierced and has the blackest and straightest doesn't even move... Like hes not actually real or something.

Anyway, he is very shy and its hard to get two words out of him at the best of times, but I got him to talk about girlfriends...eventually. This was after I agreed he could use my living room to do some devil worshiping shite. Ha, not really.

He said for a first date, he'd take a girl to a gig probably, or just go for a drink so he could get to know them. He said he'd had some bad experiences with girls so he likes taking his time with them. He used to buy his ex girlfriend flowers all the time, and didn't enjoy me asking 'did they have to be dead first...that's what your in to right?' I need to stop taking the piss.

He would never demand sex from a girl, they can have as much time as they want, but if they wanted it on the first date and they were 'fit' he wouldn't say no. This is like any guy though really?! No matter what anyone says if someone want to give you £100, you don't turn it down just because you don't know them do you? Maybe its just my look on things, but this is the general stereotype of men!

To sum himself up in three words he just shrugged. It took him a while but he said 'whatever you think'. Classic emo banter right there.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008


Why the long face? Oh right your an emo. Fair enough.

I still cant work this stereotype out, why are you so fucking sad? Maybe if you pulled that hair out of your face it might make you feel a bit better.

I'm joking, it'll pass. Hopefully.

Anyway, they wear skinny skinny jeans, always have black hair, eye liner and never smile. Like its impossible or something? Allot of them have a variety of piercings...usually through the nose or lip.
They listen to a particular type of music, and this is in fact where the 'emo' look has risen from.

From experience, at a gig they usually swarm the area in the millions. It looks like a scene out of dawn of the dead. All dressed the same, no one smiling. Normally setting things on fire or being 'sad' for no reason.

Why am I going on date with one? To find out what is so attractive about this kind of guy...

The Sk@ter boy date..

This type of guy comes in various forms as I found out, the particular skater I met was arty who did allot of graffiti art (move over Banksy). But he was telling me allot of friends literally don't do anything else other than skate 'it is their life, they get up, they get dressed and they take their boards out!'

My skater was wearing some massive 'Ethnies' trainers and same brand top, with some very baggy denim shorts and a bobble hat...which he announced he had claimed from a wall .
Very good looking and very polite. He was a funny guy too, but he got quite a serious when we were talking about the ladies...

'I've had one girlfriend for 3 years but we decided to move on. I gave her everything she wanted but apparently I'm too selfish!?'

I asked him what he had done to make her say that, and he admitted that his art and his skating are his life. He likes having a girlfriend but cant spend every hour of the day with them.
That's fair enough isn't it? At least he's honest.
For his first date, he would take someone to a gig, or to the skate park, 'just to show them what its like and see how interested they are in it. ' Which I reckon is good idea, if you are passionate about something it is important to share that isn't it?

It seemed like we had to have certain things in common for him to even want to talk to me, I think this was because of his 'fashion sense'. I felt a bit awkward as I didn't really know what to say, he wasn't making any effort and as I was a 'skater boy' virgin I decided a short date was better than no date.... I asked him to sum himself up in three words. He said 'An energetic fox'.
He said he lives like a fox?!? What does that mean, he doesn't wash, and lives out of bins??? Sounds about right.


He was a skater boy!!

The skater/surfer boy. Either way they are fit. FACT. Usually the don't actually surf...its just the 'fashion' term. Skaters usually skate, and are very talented.

Normally wearing baggy jeans or board shorts with buff hats and a wicked sense of style. They always bag a bird. What is it about them? The stereotype implies they listen to a unique type of music and have a large amount of friends. They are always friendly and normally fun to be with. With any type of group, of course you get the arrogant ones. Lets hope I don't meet one of them. I'm sick of it.
Lets see how they really get on with ladies?

The City Boy date

'My date with the arrogant twat' is what it should be called.

I don't know if its because I'm quite laid back and like to have a laugh, that I wanted to throw things at his head. Constantly. But instantly, I didn't like the way he carried himself. I know that's really picky, but he swung himself around like he was in fact creator of the world.

I was right, the 'pretty boy' date repeated itself on me. I knew this guy from years ago, and I thought it would benefit me for this project to get in touch for a drink. Now I realise exactly why we haven't spoken for a very long time.

We went to a really really nice( which means expensive ) bar where, it was nearly £7 just for a coke....sorry?! Started chatting. For some reason just because he had done me a favour meant I owed him 'BIG TIME' (that's all he kept saying).

He was talking about himself and his boringly high paid job to such an extent that I actually started singing a little song in my head. Just to try and take the pain away. I'm in London, on my own, with an absolute cock. Brilliant.

He did pay for the drinks, I eventually started drinking to try and loosen up a bit, but maybe this wasn't the best idea. I told him I thought he was a twat and can he at least try to have a conversation as if I was here, not one he'd have with his reflection. No wonder you havnt got a girlfriend I said. He didn't enjoy this. But this comment was not at all in jest.

Anyway, he said he had 'dated' (slept with) allot of women from his finance office. One of which is married to a top barrister. Great I thought, the joys of working in London....

This really put me off him, he was so smug about it, he looked like he deserved some sort of award. I was not impressed, and told him this. It was like I was from another planet?

I asked if his friends were the same, and he told me that they have competitions and ACTUAL drawn charts of women they have bedded. How old are you? I thought this was for uni kids and losers, not a 'high class' well respected young man working in a top job in London!

In three words he summed himself up as 'top class totty'. Yeah right.

I had no respect for him, he had no respect for me. I wasn't prepared to be put on the 'sex chart' (even though he does live in a nice flat with a balcony) I went home, pretty drunk and feeling rather shit.

The 'City' boy...

I've got two dates today, both very different...

One with the 'City boy' . What actually is a 'city' boy? Basically, someone who works in London, or a busy city with a highly regarded job, usually a 9-5 Joby - they always wear suits, or at least a tie and clean shoes. Stereotypically they always look very clean.

So really, just like them bunch of arrogant twats from 'The Apprentice'.

They 'go for lunch' at swanky bars and restaurants, and the only way you can really meet one is if you work with them, or meet them at one of these swanky bars... unless you stalk one and wait outside their work until they finish at 5pm...which I DID NOT do...

They stereotypically meet women and spend allot of money of them, taking them out for posh meals and dates. BUT, apparently the 'city' worker is the highest percentage to have an affair. So are they trustworthy? Or womanisers?

Anyway, I'm off on date with one. Brilliant. Scruffy student with piercings meets 'city boy' for a lunchtime rendezvous. HA. I have a feeling the pretty boy date might repeat itself...

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Date five: The funny guy!

I was quite looking forward to this date, I have a lot of these guys as mates just because they are so much fun. My ex boyfriend was also 'the funny guy' but actually thought he WAS in fact Ricky Gervais. HA.
Anyway... My date was HOT . Very. HOT. He had blinding eyes ,THE cutest smile and dressed very well... So, instantly I couldn't work out why he didn't have a girlfriend, so i asked him.

'Girls don't take me seriously enough, if i ask someone out they think I'm joking. Or if I do go out with them they cant take the sarcasm. Vicious circle. Its actually quite hard to find two blonde lesbians did you know that?'
He said this in such a laid back way I nearly missed it. Excellent.

Our date was cool, he took me around this derelict area which was a graffiti haven. Very smart guy, he knew allot and he kept me interested which is always a bonus. He said he would take a girl someone spontaneous on the first and second date, to keep them interested, and would get rid of them if they wanted sex in the first month. 'You know it wont last if you rush in to things like that. I prefer to wait. Plus I'm a nervous twat.'
Very honest, I thought.
To sum himself up in three words, he said.... ' I AM God'.
I know he wasn't actually being an arrogant twat (A.K.A pretty boy)

I KNOW WHY WE DON'T LIKE FUNNY GUYS...we cant take them seriously. No matter how good looking they are, unless they make the move nothing will happen, the bottom line is that we wont make the move because its so hard to tell whether they're interested or not.

This date was in the top few so far...definitely. I recommend the funny guy... just remember-
To bag a funny guy we actually have to do the ground work. Great.

The Funny Guy

So what kind of stereotype is the 'funny guy'? They dont normally follow any fashion but are usually quirky characters. The funny guy I'm talking about isnt a hyperactive retard with crazy hair and way to many drugs, but someone with a dry sense of humour, and very witty.

Not speaking for everyone, but I'm basically describing Ricky Gervais (not Russel Brand humour, he gets a bit excited), he doesnt have to try and be funny...naturally he cracks me up.


Anyway, the well known 'funny guy' in our society is normally a girls 'mate', not their boyfriend. Why is this? Are they too 'chummy' and not flirty enough? Are they not taken seriously?
My next date sets me this exact challenge...

Monday, 5 May 2008

My Geeky date..

A little different from my last date...My 'geek' wasn't at all the 'hooded' thug, he did in fact have large hair and sported quite a butchered beard. Which was nice. He wore baggy jeans and a plain t-shirt with some awful trainers, and of course, glasses. Classic. Hes not an ugly guy, bit of a make-over and he'd be up there with Mr (I am a god) Jude Law and the like.(I'm sure of it.)

He doesn't drink unless its a special occasion, which was nice. We went for a walk in a park near me, as i couldn't bear the thought of sitting in one place in case there wasn't anything to talk about.

He wasn't quiet at all (I expected him to be nervous) but I think this is because I have known him for a while (trying to find a geek is impossible..unless you work with them!)

He did talk allot about himself, well mainly his video consoles which I concluded he would marry if he could... he didn't enjoy this statement.

He was very clued up about everything, and had to be right allot of the time (which of course I let him be). This made me feel rather stupid. But I suppose this wasn't just because he was a 'geek'...its because hes a man (there i go stereotyping again!)

He was sweet and he is a caring person. We completely clashed as we don't listen to the same music or go out to the same places, but I still had a laugh with him, which is never bad. I felt that i wanted o mother him more than anything...maybe this was because he didn't seem very street wise, or maybe he just didn't care, which isn't a bad thing.

He said if he went out on a 'real' date (cheers) with someone he'd make a big effort and take them for a romantic meal. 'Pub's are OK with your friends but i would never take my girlfriend to one.'
I thought this was sweet. To sum himself up in three words he said 'i don't know'. How modest of him!

The 'Geek'

The 'Geek', or how they describe themselves as 'educated' are stereotyped as quiet, lacking in dress sense and have a small number of friends. They apparently dont really go out alot, or have a girlfriend, and focus on their education.
Big glasses, big hair, high trousers is what a sterotypical image of a 'geek' is defined as.

The 'geek' is also known as a nerd, someone that is interested in computing and gaming (anything electronic basically).

And Im going to date one...

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Date number three: The Chav

'Do you mind if my mates come?'
This was the first thing he asked me when I asked him if he fancied a drink. Classic.
After my second date with the pretty boy, I decided the more the least i would have a chance to have some kind of conversation.

He was wearing a polo-shirt...I think it was 'YSL' of course, he had the collar up, no cap but his french cropped hair was so caked in gel I couldn't work out if he had light or dark hair?

The bulldog tattoo on his arm with 'ENGLAND' underneath would surely put him straight to the top of the 'chav-o-meter'. But this wasn't just it. The attire wasn't complete without the amount of gold attached to his the form of the famous sovereigns.
I was amazed how much he would stand out in front of my group of friends...but I was the one that stood out with his bunch of mates.

This would put anyone off, surely? A night out with a group of self proclaimed 'wrong-ens'. But it turned out to be a very entertaining evening.

My chav date was nicer than expected. He was respectable towards me and other women, obviously with the odd 'shes fit' and 'look at those guns' but apart from that, he paid for most of the drinks and didn't leave my side. He was very shy during the first part of the evening, until the alcohol started flowing (Stella...I'm not joking). I also took this approach.

It was very intimidating being with a group like that, but I preferred going on a 'group' date, rather than one-to-one as firstly, I could hide how drunk I was, and secondly, I got to see his real character.

He works as a laborer with a building firm, and lives with his mum and brother in a council flat. He is 23 and drives a 'beat up corsa' and has had 2 serious relationships. He said he wouldn't have kids with anyone until he he was sure it was permanent. I respected him allot for this, from the 'stereotype' chav, this isn't always the case.
When i asked him to describe himself in three words he said: 'I'm a laugh'. Which was good enough for me!

This date opened my eyes to a 'type' of man that can certainly be mistaken because of his appearance. He was funny, respectable and paid for the (large amount of) drinks. This was enough for me to decide I would definitely give a 'chav' another chance.

The loveable 'Chav' ?

The 'Chav' is varied in our society. You can wear Nike and be classed as 'chavvy' or have a 'Louis vuittoon' handbag and be a 'labelled chav'. But what makes you an top scale 'chav'?

Automatically, 'Burberry' caps, thick gold jewelery, and tracksuit bottoms are visually recognised as being 'chavvy'. But does this make them bad people?

The stereotype male 'chav' usually lives on a council estate, fathers a number of children with a number of women, and lives on 'the doll'. The best selling show Shameless have got it down to every last detail. This show illustrates the stereotypical life of a 'chav'. Brilliant.

This website lets you find out how 'Chavvy' you really are. Brilliant. Because we all have a bit of chav in us somewhere...whether its a favoured pair of tracksuit bottoms...Or some big old bling. Its definitely there.

On my next date, I'm going to find out how close the truth the stereotype really is when it comes to a date.

The Pretty Boy Date...

This was the one and only time in my life where I actually would have preferred playing tongue tennis with a rabid dog. It was awful.

We went for lunch (I didn't eat anything as this meant staying longer) I had a drink whilst he ate his steak burger like a starved child. This wasn't when i knew he was an arrogant was long before this.

I'll start from the fact I shall bullet point to state his negatives and positives...then you can clearly see how balanced they are...

  • He didn't shut up about himself.

  • He didn't shut up about football.

  • He didn't shut up about his new shoes and shirt.

  • He felt the need to tell me how many girls he had slept with.

  • If i was a mirror he would have been all over me. IN FACT if I was sitting next to a mirror i would have preferred this as there would be total silence whilst he admired himself.

  • He couldn't help but talk about his 'fit body' (Yes it is fit. But you will always be an ugly twat.)

  • He rolled his sleeves up every five minutes then flexed his arm a little bit whilst looking out the corner of his eye to see if i was looking.

  • He didn't ask me anything about myself.

  • He thought calling me 'his bitch' was appropriate...

  • After answering the phone to his mate.


  • He...was available for this 'date' and helping me remember just why I don't go near pretty boys.

  • He paid for my drink.

  • He didn't smell too bad, so at least all my senses didn't get a battering.

So, there you go. I asked him 'Would you normally pay for a date with a girl' ?(as i made it clear this wasn't a 'real' date. I couldn't pretend, i wanted to throw a chair at him)

He answered: 'yeah i would' And i thought...aww that's alright i suppose hes not too bad.

Then he HAD to go and say 'Only if i knew i was gonna' get some at the end of the night.'

I wanted to laugh. H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. maybe if she couldn't understand the English language, he'd have a chance of getting laid.

I asked him to describe himself in three words, he said 'Fit, funny, and charming'.

I don't think he understands what they actually mean?! HA what a joke of a date. NEVER again.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

The 'Pretty boy'

The well known of the bunch in our society has to be...the 'Pretty boy'. They are trendy, follow all the lastest fashion from Topman (like its an actual religion) and have a large number of 'mates' who look like clones of one another. This is just my stereotype of a 'Pretty boy' from past experience.

They normally all listen to a particular type of music, despite trying to pretend they are 'indie' or 'emo' or whatever fills the lines of the local Topman store.

They're not recognised to be rude or a problem within society, but do they do tend to be rowdy as a group, which is normally when their out on a night (which i suppose can be said for any group)...they also tend to go for a certain type of girl. This is generally decided on what their mates agree on (As if they have a monthly 'trend boy' meeting.)

Anyway...only one way to find out if their shallow 'stereotype' is myth or damn right going to 'lunch' with one...

Friday, 2 May 2008

Date number one:The Geezer

Ok, just got back from my first 'date' with a sterotypical 'lad'. It was officially awesome.
We went to a nice little bar, he paid for the drinks (and im not drunk) and he was such a laugh.

Very different from what i'd expect him to be. I thought we'd end up at his local surrounded by his 'thuggish' mates who threw glasses at eachother for fun...but we ended up in quite a respectable little bar. Nice one.

He is a 29 year old builder covered in tattoos, and when I wanted to pay for a drink he said 'no fucking way im paying.' How polite you're thinking? But I'll let him off.
I was grilling him a bit, as obviously I was on the 'date' to find out how he treats the ladies, but still he was honest (which is rare...or maybe im just gullible?)

Anyway he was saying he's got 'old school' morals when it comes to dating women, and that 'if a bird wants sex on the first date, im not gonna have as much respect for her' but then went on to say he wouldnt stop her if she wanted it. Which defeats the point really doesnt it?!

He said he would only kiss on the first date, and switched his phone off so none of his mates could bug him. (It didnt stop me from answering mine though...NEVER thought I'd say this, but I felt a bit rude...infront if a man I stereotyped to be so brutal!)

He came across to be quite respectful towards women, apart from calling them 'birds' and swearing mid sentence, instead of a normal person saying 'eeeerm' it was 'fucking hell'.
He said he looks for 'having a laugh' with a women, 'they've got to be like one of your mates, but someone you find physically attractive'.. Apparently being a 'fit bird' doesnt mean you can hold a conversation. Dont we assume its the same with men?

In three words i asked him to descibe himself, he announced 'An absoloute c*nt.'

He was a top bloke though and I thoroughly enjoyed our 'date' he was definatly unexpected and I would go on a second date with my 'Geezer'.

The Notorious 'Geezer'

My first date, is with a self confessed 'one of the lads'. Brilliant.This sterotype is normally given to pub loving, stella drinking, tattoo bearing lads, who refer to women as 'birds' when talking to their mates, and 'darlin' or 'luv' when speaking to a women.

A 'Geezer'" from the 'Urban" dictionary' states: 'A person who enjoys consuming large amounts of alcohol, acting rowdy, and splitting peoples wigs. All because they have entirely too much time on their hands'. So lets see how he sizes up? Can he treat a lady despite the rowdy stereotype?

Im not crazy...

Im not crazy I promise...after reading up on the 'challenge journalism' I think the challenge of finding a man is realistic and quite fun...hopefully.

The inspiration for this moment of madness mainly comes from the challenge/immersive journalism like the work of journalist Dawn Porter, who did the superslim-me challenge for the BBC last year, in which she had to get down to size 0. She also kept a diary about this.

I love this women. she made the documentary interesting to watch, it shocked the audience, and also touched on the serious subjects of weight loss. Nice one Dawn.

Who IS the perfect man?

So, my challenge for the next week is to find the perfect man (ha...wish me luck) I'm going on dates with 10 different types of men to try and find out how they really treat women, and who does it the best...

The Men...

The 10 guys I will date will be:
  1. The Geek
  2. The funny one
  3. The trendy (pretty boy)
  4. The Emo
  5. The 'Geezer'
  6. The indie kid
  7. The skater/surfer
  8. The chav
  9. The heavy metal guy
  10. The City boy

These are all 'stereotypical' guys and my mission is to find which type can really treat a girl, and how this differs depending on their social label...This may surprise you girlies!

The dates...

The dates will consist of some investigative work to try and find out if the way the dress changes how they treat women. I will find out:

  • Where they take a girl on the first date?

  • Do they pay?

  • What they talk about?

  • What they do for fun?

  • Do they have any hobbies?

  • How they would sum themselves up in three words.

  • Do they fit their 'stereotype' at the end of the date.


10 men..

10 dates...

1 week...

To find the perfect man...